Zach Mustafa

Software Engineer @ Paramount

  • My name is Zach Mustafa. I am a software engineer at Paramount Streaming's Applied Machine Learning Group (AMLG).
  • I graduated from UCLA in 2022 with a degree in Mathematics of Computation.
  • I am passionate about learning and using my creativity, quantitative skills, and intuition to build interesting projects.
  • I love building tools that combine my interests, such as my (in beta!) NBA Enhanced Trade Machine and low polygon image generator
  • In my spare time, I also love to produce music, explore in nature and spend time with my pets.
  • CV Page Under Construction

  • I conducted research at the TANMS Research Center at UCLA during my final two undergraduate years.
  • I worked under Dr. Robert Candler in coordination with graduate students from the Sensors and Technology Lab.
  • My first year, I worked under mentor Maggie Xiao on a project which involved utilizing deep learning techniques to perform image segmentation and resolution enhancement using TensorFlow-Keras and PEEMVision.
  • My second year, I worked under mentor Andrew Arrieta, writing software to capture data from a thermal camera to use for thermal experiments.
  • I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the TANMS Research Center, conducting research with brilliant people and making valuable contributions to the field of nanoscale multiferroics.
  • Projects Page Under Construction

  • This page will host the programming projects that I'm currently working on.
  • Here's a short list of them before I get it up and running:
    • Low Polygon Image Generator using Delaunay Triangulation [Python, TensorFlow, openCV]
    • Enhanced NBA Trade Machine [Python + Django]
    • MIDI Beatles Composition Neural Network [Python, MIDO]

    Personal Page Under Construction

    This section will include everything else that I am passionate about, that did not get covered by some of the other pages.

    Feel free to reach out on one of my social media platforms or email me at

    "In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."